On top of knitting, blog readers will be happy to know that I did NOT fall off the yarn diet wagon and managed to resist the call. (Okay maybe not blog readers, maybe my husband is really more happy to note this than anyone!) Sadly there was no time to hit any of the awesome shops that New York had to offer- however I did still have to resist temptation. You know how I mentioned in my last post if anyone knew where the yarn shops were in Easton Maryland? I needn't have bothered asking - what was the first thing I noticed as we parked accross the street from our hotel?? WE PARKED RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE YARN STORE. I practically squealed with joy when I discovered this. (My apologies to the all male passengers in the car who did not comprehend such excitement over yarn.)
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
New England Knitting Tragedy
On top of knitting, blog readers will be happy to know that I did NOT fall off the yarn diet wagon and managed to resist the call. (Okay maybe not blog readers, maybe my husband is really more happy to note this than anyone!) Sadly there was no time to hit any of the awesome shops that New York had to offer- however I did still have to resist temptation. You know how I mentioned in my last post if anyone knew where the yarn shops were in Easton Maryland? I needn't have bothered asking - what was the first thing I noticed as we parked accross the street from our hotel?? WE PARKED RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE YARN STORE. I practically squealed with joy when I discovered this. (My apologies to the all male passengers in the car who did not comprehend such excitement over yarn.)
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
On Vacation
That being said- knitting progress has been going swimmingly. Viola, I give you the Runk blanket half way finished.
Since the blanket requires a lot of yarn and it takes up a bunch of space, it's not a "holiday project", too much to drag around. And so- in the interest of keeping my sanity and enjoying a bit of my holiday, I cast on a new project. Nancy's Bush's New England socks!
It requires more attention than most socks, (hello big chart!), but I think it's the right thing to keep me interested and motivated. Plus- it's fun to cast on something new and exciting. It feels good to work on something I WANT to work on again.
And so with this little short note- I'm out for a while. Be back soon, hopefully with a sock to show for it!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Happy Mother's Day!
In true knitterly fashion, (meaning knitters are natural born procrastinators), this Mother's day gift is right down to the wire. Yes folks, it's time for the super top secret project reveal- mom's gift!
Mom, this yarn is pure silk- and a color I know you'll love. It's unbelievably soft and I really, REALLY hope it fits you. (Thankfully silk has a lot of give and you can stretch it out a bit if need be.) I bought this yarn a looooooong time ago with the intention to knit something for you- but never seemed to have the time and couldn't find the right pattern to make you something you'd love. When it came time to take my blanket break, this project inspired me to do something a little different for Mother's day this year.
Happy Mother's day mom! I hope you like it. I love you. Thanks for being my mom.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Look closely... it's not. Can you spot the boo boo?
CRAPPERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I somehow messed up the cable!!!!! I suppose I should be thankful that I discovered this close enough that it's not too devestating to tink back. But still. CRAPPERS! CRAPPERS! CRAPPERS! I know that the Harlot has a genius tutorial about how to go back down and fix the cable without tinking back, but honestly, I don't think I could do it without vastly screwing up the knitting. (Something I am not interested in, this late in the game.)
And so- instead of nearing the finish line- tonight I rip back and correct the error. This craft couldn't frustrate me more sometimes!
In other news- I can feel my resolve not to buy yarn, (aside from blanket yarn) until September weakening dramatically. Is it wrong that I want the Loopy Ewe to crash majorly, for the next 4 months so I'm unable to look at the pretty, pretty yarns and not send hourly emails to my MiL, desperate to buy something? (She's no help by the way, since she sends me stuff to look at too.) That site is "knitter's crack"! But seriously- how can I resist this, or this, or this or even THIS (granted not that I can actually get any of that because it's always sold out... but minor detail)?? YOU'RE THE FRENCH FRIES TO MY YARN DIET SHERI - stop having such good damn taste!
I'm going to go and fix my boo boo and pretend that the Loopy Ewe will not accept my credit card.... hopefully that will prevent me from falling off the wagon.
**this post brought to you by the word CRAP.