It has been since I last bought yarn!

Wednesday, May 25, 2016


So last blog post I was lazily knitting along, bragging about how I could easily switch between projects and it was all super happy LALALALALALA... and I was going to finish everything in good time and MAY IS AWESOME!

Well... SOMEONE had the audacity to be born TWO WEEKS EARLY... and SOMEONE has me like this:


I was sliding into a rainy long weekend, with an enormous Lego kit for the kid to work on and hours of knitting time before me.

This took my kid a day.  There are 1005 pieces and he's FOUR- he built 95% of this himself.  
(mom brag... it's my blog, I'm allowed!)

Husband raised the hackles early on Friday afternoon with this text: "Bre is 38 weeks BTW..."  And that got me thinking.  So, after bragging about my 2 project system I switched to working on the blanket only.

I knit.  And knit.  And knit and knit and knit and knit and knit and knit and knit and knit....

And Sunday I was nearing the finish line, but also feeling general "blah" over knitting the blanket and I was just about to reward myself with some mitten knitting when I get this text.  "Bree had her baby yesterday, girl... that's all I know."

And then....

So, I plugged back in, sat back down and grinded out the blanket and got it cast off and the ends sewn in.


The next part (which is going to be TEDIOUS), is to pick up and knit the borders on each side.  See those little morse stitches?  Instead of evenly dispersing them throughout- they are every stitch.  It's going to take awhile.  But first, the blanket needs to be blocked, because picking those stitches up with it rolling like that is going to be miserable if it's not lying flat.


So, while it's blocking... I did cast on the mitten....


This is cast on #2, I decided that cast on #1 was going to too big.  I'm already worrying that cast on #2 is also too big... but I'll make that call a little further into the cuff.  Picot always looks enormous and then it pulls in considerably once you start working in pattern.

I'm hoping soon that I'm going to be as chill as this guy...


... but we're not there yet.

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