It has been since I last bought yarn!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Bits and Bobs

I have officially stepped back from the blanket. I appreciate all of your thoughtful comments and votes on my last post. Many of you are encouraging me to step back and start again, although those of you close to me have encouraged me to stay the course with the pattern. I've opted for a mild compromise. I have decided to stick with the original pattern idea, to sit down and rework the palm tree, but also order new colors, suiting a girl. New yarn will save this. Right? **tap tap** Is this thing on? Bueller???

Since the blanket pressure is off until the new year (Knit Picks ordered today)- I've fully immersed myself in as many distracting projects as possible. I turned this:

FPress 2

Into these (I love this pattern SO MUCH):


Pattern: French Press Slippers (of AWESOMENESS) by Melynda Bernardi (Who, by the sounds of it, seems like a total sweetheart!)
Needles: US 15
Yarn: Patons Classic Wool in "Leaf Green"
Notes: LOVE THIS PATTERN STILL. I'm mildly perturbed that it looks like I may have skinned Kermit the Frog alive*... but they couldn't be more awesome.

Full Disclosure: I bought 3 skeins more of yarn to make more pairs of these and may have already just about finished the most recent pair. (Nello.. I'm looking in your direction, care to disclose your foot size?) I'm going to ask you to stage an intervention at some point. This project is so addictive and SUCH a crowd pleaser.

Aside from being addicted to slippers, I also managed to get my section of the WCOBB blanket "Ilanaaq" done. Despite the elventy billion miles of stocking stitch, I actually think this turned out pretty great. I love the cohesiveness of the pattern.


And finally, FINALLY, I got around to casting on my "Bird in Hand" mittens, which are going to be SMASHINGLY awesome. (Can you handle it? I can hardly handle the awesome.)


These tiny knitting distractions have been JUST what the doctor orderd as far as attempting to re-find my knitting mojo. But, even if I didn't have these distractions, I would have had this:


(L-R: Nancy, Rhonda, Shirley (mom), Phyllis (MiL), Sylvia, Mary, Robin, Carolina (our newsest knitting convert), ME (UGH photogenic and I don't ever show up in the same sentence), Renell and Kylar (who I'm sure will want to be a knitter when he grows up.)

We had our knitting group Christmas party and it was a blast. It's hard to wallow in knitting self-pity when such an enthusiastic and encouraging group of ladies are there cheering you on. It's a rare event that we were all able to be there, but I'm sure everyone would tell you that we love our little knitting group. My "Knitwits" night is the one I look forward to most of all. I know most of you lovely ladies read this blog- so THANK YOU for all your encouragement and support this year, you are by far my favorite cheering section and I look forward to all we're going to make in the new year. Can I recommend slippers? (Are we going to have an intervention at the next night in January?)

So that's what my little knitting world has been like leading up to Christmas. I feel good. I'm having fun. And that's what it's all about... right? I'm doubtful that I'm going to get a Christmas post together by Thursday, (there are just too many distractions), and so I want to take this time to wish my faithful readers, (all 8 of you- haha) a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!! See you at the Boxing Day Yarn sales! (Oh yes, I'm going!)

*No frogs were harmed in the making of the slippers. It only looks that way.

1 comment:

Anne B. said...

Lovely, lovely projects!!! Looks like those mitts will keep you happy over Christmas. They are so pretty.