It has been since I last bought yarn!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

In the Thick of It

As promised, I pulled out the Fireside sweater and begun anew.  Really, I'm surprised at how little there is left to do on this.  MiL, as promised, watched the bambino for an hour and I set to figuring out where I left off and what I needed to do.  Before I knew it, I had a finished back section!  I quickly cast on the sleeves and progress is chucking along.


I will confess to a few setbacks.  It was around row 10 the first time through the sleeves that I realized I read the chart wrong and knit where I should have purled.  Fixing that, I was into the second repeat on the chart when I realized that I had mis-crossed a cable about 10 rows back on one sleeve.  So, I frogged back and fixed the cable.  Since then- the only setback I've had is a child who is sleeping like crap right now (growth spurt/teething) and although he still naps like a champ, it means that I'm napping instead of knitting in his nap times at the moment.  (Mama is TIRED.)


This is the first time I've knit two sleeves at one time, and so far so good.  Although there are times where I will forge ahead on one sleeve and get 2 or 3 rows ahead and realize I didn't knit the other sleeve.  Minor issues, that are probably occurring because I'm a little sleep deprived at the moment.  I also knit these two at a time because there is a very real threat of running out of yarn, that I confess is making me all kinds of worried!  (On the upside this makes me knit faster so I can alleviate the stress.)  (I love my donut stitch markers.  LOVE them.  Except they make me CRAVE donuts like all the time.  I have resisted so far but the worse the sleeping at night gets the more the need for donuts arises!)

As also promised, I haven't touched the mittens since May 2 when I put myself in sweater mode.  I'm terribly close to finishing them... just the thumbs.


I'll knit the thumbs when the sweater is blocking and then will allow for a little "indulgence" if there's time.  (Maybe more mittens... who knows!)  It feels good to be progressing on the UFO pile and getting some things off the needles.  I can't wait to start some new things!!

1 comment:

Ping said...

Ohhh my, your fireside yarn looks so creamy and snuggly :)