It has been since I last bought yarn!

Tuesday, January 24, 2017


I thought I'd stop in and spend a moment updating you on the blanket which is nearly double in size from the last time I posted.


It's looking quite nice- although I've had to start measuring and deciding how long I want this to be.  Thinking 2 more repeats with an extra brown stripe will make the blanket too short at roughly 31 inches.  (Although it would be more esthetically appealing to the eye.)  3 repeats is probably the right length call but I would need to figure the order of the various blues, because I like consistency.

I will also admit I've hit a certain amount of "sigh" when it comes to this project and my brain is counting the minutes until it can focus on more appealing projects.  Hang in there self!  Get it done!!!

In the mean time... back to the grind!

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